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Active involvement of young people in social life is of great importance
Matej Savić, advisor in a cabinet of the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska and Denis Šulić, MP and deputy president of the Committee on guestions of children, youths and sport talked today with reperesentatives of the international youth organization YEU- Youth for Exchange and Understanding, one of the leading youth organization in Europe and Organization for development and cooperation CEREBRA, Banja Luka.
The represenatives of these two youth organizations were guests in the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska in order to better acknowledge the participation of the youth in public life of the local comunity and of the Republic of Srpska.
The aim of the project, presented by the International Youth organization YEU- Youth for Exchange and Understanding, which are here in Banja Luka as the participants of the European youth project „YEP convention – sing for your soul“ is to encourage intelectual leraning and selfencouragement via music and at the end for young people to understand that each of them can encourage social development in its way.
During the meeting interlocutors also talked about the cooperation with other local communities in the Republic of Srpska as well as about the project supported by the Government of the Republic of Srpska and by other institutions in the Republic of Srpska.