The Fourteenth Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly has been finished

16.12.2024 - 15:00

The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted the Law amending the Law on Foreign Investment and the Law amending the Law on the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises today on Voting Day, after all remaining items of the agenda of the Fourteenth Special Session were absolved.

Two draft laws were also adopted: The Draft Law on Pardons and the Draft Law on Organic Production, with the accepted Conclusion on submitting this draft law to a public debate, which will be implemented within 90 days.

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic Srpska, Dr Nenad Stevandic, concluded the work of the Fourteenth Special Session, and immediately after its conclusion, the Fifteenth Special Session of the National Assembly began with one item on the proposed agenda: Proposal of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Salaries of Persons Employed in Public Institutions in the Field of Health in the Republic Srpska - by the urgent procedure.

On December 12, at the Fourteenth Special Session, the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on the Budget System of the Republic of Srpska - by urgent procedure, as well as a set of laws on salary increases.

The following were adopted: Law on Amending to the Law on Salaries of Employees in Primary and Secondary Schools and Student Dormitories in the Republic of Srpska - by urgent procedure, Law on Amending the Law on Salaries of Employees in the Field of Culture of the Republic of Srpska - by urgent procedure and Law Amending the Law on Employees' Salaries in the field of higher education and student standards of the Republic of Srpska - by urgent procedure.

The National Assembly adopted the Law Amending the Law on Income Tax - by urgent procedure and the Law Amending the Law on Contributions - by urgent procedure.

The Collegium of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska decided that the Fifteenth Special Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, with one item on the proposed agenda: Proposal of the Law Amending the Law on Salaries of Persons Employed in Public Institutions in the Field of Health in the Republic of Srpska - under urgent procedure, will be held after the end of the Fourteenth Special Session.

The Fifteenth Special Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska was convened at the request of the Government.