Members of the Committee on Security talked with the Director of the Centre for European Security Studies from the Kingdom of the Netherlands
The President of the Committee on Security of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska Vukota Govedarica and the members of the Committee Milanko Mihajlica, Milan Dakic and Dragan Galic met today in the parliament with the Director of the Centre for European Studies from the Kingdom of Holland Merijn Hartog with whom they talked on the improvement of the democratic and parliamentary oversight of the security sector.
The project named “Bosnia and Herzegovina Building Inclusive Oversight of Security-BIHOS” has been presented at the meeting. The project is being implemented under the financial support of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and its aim is the improvement of the parliamentary oversight and the control of the security sector.
The possibilities for further cooperation in the form of training organisation, seminars, and consultations with international experts and the members of the committees on the security of the European countries, between the Committee on Security and the Centre for European and Security Studies have been discussed.
We are ready for mutual cooperation because we consider that the parliamentary oversight of the security sector is a very important part of the democratic society, so we expect a more productive cooperation in this area”, said the chairman of the Committee on Security.
The meeting was attended by Prof Dr Dusko Vejinovic and Dr Darko Matijasevic the representatives of the European Defendology Centre Banja Luka, the partner of the project.