President Stevandic talked with the Head of the European Union Delegation to BiH and the Special Representative of the EU in Bosnia and Herzegovina Luigi Soreca

17.10.2024 - 12:15

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, Dr Nenad Stevandic, met today in Banja Luka with the new-appointed Head of the Delegation of the European Union and Special Representative of the European Union to BiH Luigi Soreca. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on crucial topics and questions concerning the process of European integration as well as on the current political situation in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the conversation with the Ambassador, Stevandic said that the institutions of the Republic of Srpska are firmly dedicated to further progress and approaching BiH to the European Union. Still, he highlighted that during that process, the Dayton and constitutional Republic of Srpska must be respected, and its status cannot be diminished.

President Stevandic highlighted that the decision-making process in BiH must be based on the arrangement of three people and two entities, without international factor interference. He also wished welcome to the Ambassador and successful mandate in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He also expressed belief that the Ambassador’s role will contribute to strengthening relations between BiH and the European Union.

At the end of the meeting, President Stevandic handed the Ambassador a book “The Armature of Sovereignty”, with all legal and political acts of the National Assembly from its establishing until today.

Предсједник Стевандић нагласио је да процес доношења одлука у БиХ мора бити заснован на договору три народа и два ентитета, без уплитања међународног фактора. Он је, такође, пожелио амбасадору добродошлицу и успјешан мандат у Босни и Херцеговини, те је изразио увјерење да ће амбасадорова улога допринијети јачању односа између БиХ и Европске уније. На крају састанка предјседник Стевандић уручио је амбасадору књигу „Арматура суверенитета“ која садржи све правне и политичке акте Народне скупштине Републике Српске од њеног оснивања до данас.