Under the auspices of the National Assembly a Round Table on the theme” Consequences of the Waste Uranium for the citizens of the Republic of Srpska”

13.05.2023 - 12:15

Today in Banja Luka, in the premises of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, in the organization of the Banja Luka Research Center, and under the auspices of the President of the National Assembly Dr Nenad Stevandic, a round table was held on the topic "Consequences of the (mis)use of waste uranium on citizens in the Republic of Srpska", at which talked about the consequences of bombing the territories of the Republic of Srpska and the Republic of Serbia with weapons that contained waste uranium and how it affected the health of the population. The round table was attended by numerous experts from the social, scientific, health, legal, and military life of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia.

In his opening address, President Stevandic told the audience that the bombing with waste uranium is a topic that the international community tries to keep quiet and cover- up, but that the consequences of that bombing are unfortunately becoming clearer and more visible every day, and that the responsible countries, individuals or their successors should, when - than to pay for the consequences of those inhumane actions in these areas.

"We must not be ashamed to mention the crime against the Serbian people, because as long as we talk about this topic, we show dignity and self-respect, because otherwise, we risk being collateral damage, as the international community cynically called us," said Stevandic.

According to him, the role of the Assembly, as the highest legislative body of Srpska, is to draw the public's attention to this topic with such scientific gatherings, and to influence those who make decisions in that direction.

He adds that such round tables give this topic legal, ethical, and social verification based on scientific facts and that he will personally make an effort to ensure that every member of the European Parliament receives the conclusions of this round table.

It was concluded that several hundreds of final verdicts have been handed down in Italian courts so far in favor of Italian soldiers who fell ill or died of cancer after they were directly exposed to waste uranium in the missions in Kosovo and Metohia and in the Republic of Srpska - BiH, and that based on these experiences, citizens of the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina can initiate proceedings for compensation and seek justice before domestic and international courts and institutions.