Expert Discussion on the Draft Law on treatment of infertility by biomedical assisted fertilization procedures
The Committee on Health, Labor and Social Policy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska today held an expert debate on the Draft Law on Infertility Treatment by Biomedical Assisted Fertilization.
Chairman of the Committee on Health, Labor and Social Policy Dusko Ivic said the aim of the expert discussion was to get suggestions and opinions from experts so that the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska would enact a law that would protect parents, future mothers and babies, as well as genetic material that very important to every nation.
“The expert discussion was attended by eminent experts in this field, representatives of numerous public health institutions of the Republic of Srpska, private health institutions, as well as representatives of the citizens' association dealing with this issue. We want to get quality proposals to pass a law that will protect parents who want to have healthy children, "he said.
Deputy Chairman of the Committee Milan Švraka said earlier this power was regulated by the ordinances, and that the passing of the law creates a legal basis for the treatment of infertility and the increase in the birth rate in the Republic of Srpska.
On October 31, at the 7th Regular Session, the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted the Draft Law on the Treatment of Infertility by Procedures of biomedical Aided Fertilization, and by its Conclusion charged the Committee on Health, Labor and Social Policy to organize and conduct expert discussion on this draft law.