Expert discussions on Bill amending the Law on the securities’ market and Bill amending the Law on investment fonds
The Committee on finance and budget of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska has held today, May 4, expert discussions on Bill amending the Law on the securities market and Bill amending the Law on investment funds.
National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted these Bills on April 27, 2022, at its 21st Regular Session, with accepted conclusions of the Committee on finance and budget on sending these acts on an expert discussion.
Vice-president of the National Assembly and the President of the Committee on finance and budget, Zeljka Stojcic, said that it is important to hold a discussion to get a public opinion on these Bills.
“We expect to get good Laws in these spheres”, said Stojcic.
Explaining the reasons for enacting a Bill amending the Law on the securities market, the assistant of the Minister on finance in the Republic of Srpska Government, Snjezana Rudic, highlighted that the aim is preventing money laundry and financing of terrorist activities by fraud via virtual transactions and deposit wallet services.
“The aim is to get overall regulated area on cryptocurrency and digital property, and because of this we need a high level of expertise”, said she.
During the discussion, it was stressed that this area must be harmonized with relevant EU acquis.
When it is about Bill amending the Law on investment funds it was said that the aim is to affirm alternative ways of financing companies and further development of investment possibilities and creating of favourable commercial conditions for managing the investment funds.
Also, with this Bill, the harmonization of the area with EU acquis has been continued.
The expert discussion was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Srpska, Republic Office for legislation, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Srpska, Banking agency of the Republic of Srpska, Commission for securities, The Pension Reserve Fund of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka stock exchange, Union of associations of employers of the Republic of Srpska, brokerage houses.