International scientific-expert conference on the theme: Offense and Calumny in the Justice System of the Republic of Srpska and the Region
The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska will organize on Wednesday, May 17, at 9:30 a.m. the International scientific-expert Conference on the theme: Offense and Calumny in the justice system of the Republic of Srpska and the region. (Small Hall, First Floor).
At 9:15 a.m. the President of the National Assembly Dr Nenad Stevandic will hold a press conference, together with Prof Ljubinko Mitrovic, Prof Dr Ilija Musa (The Faculty of Philology, Mostar), Prof Dr Zoran Pavlovic Ombudsman of Vojvodina), and Prof Dr Igor Vuletic (Faculty of Law, Osijek).
The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska in the first quartal of this year has considered the Draft Law amending the Criminal Law of the Republic of Srpska, which among other things prescribes criminal acts against honor and prestige and which incriminates the criminal acts of offense and calumny.
The theme of the international scientific-expert conference would be the incrimination of the mentioned criminal acts in the domestic law system and in the countries in the region, with the aim to illuminate this theme from various aspects, from the point of view of the scientific and professional society.
Narodna skupština Republike Srpske organizovaće u srijedu, 17. maja, sa početkom u 9.30 časova jednodnevnu Međunarodnu naučno – stručnu konferenciju na temu: Uvreda i kleveta u pravu Republike Srpske i zemalja regiona. (Mala sala, 1. sprat)
U 9.15 časova pres konferenciju, ovim povodom, održaće predsjednik Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske dr Nenad Stevandić, prof.dr Ljubinko Mitrović, prof.dr Ilija Musa (Filozorski fakultet, Mostar), prof. dr Zoran Pavlović (bivši Pokrajinski zaštitnik građana – ombudsman Vojvodine) i prof. dr Igor Vuletić (Pravni fakultet, Osijek).
Narodna skupština Republike Srpske u prvom kvartalu ove godine razmatrala je Nacrt zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srpske kojim se, između ostalog, propisuju krivična djela protiv časti i ugleda, a kojim se inkriminišu krivična djela uvrede i klevete.
Tema Međunarodne naučno – stručne konferencije će se upravo odnositi na inkriminaciju navedenih krivičnih djela u domaćem i u zakonodavstvima zemalja regiona, sa ciljem da se ova tema osvijetli sa različitih aspekata, iz ugla naučne i stručne javnosti.