The Workshop on the creation of the Strategic Plan for the development of National Assembly Service (2020-2024)
The Workshop for the representatives of the National Assembly Service dedicated to the creation of the “Draft Strategic Plan of the National Assembly Service (2020-2024) has been held today in hotel “Bosna” in Banja Luka, supported by the OSCE Mission to BiH.
During the Workshop, which presented Secretary General of the National Assembly, Deputy Secretary General, Secretary General assistants and the members of the main and operative group for the creation of the Strategic Plan for the development of the Assembly's Service.
As the main strategic aims the following were listed: increasing of the internal communication and the competences of the working staff, increasing of the cooperation with MPs, the modernization of the working conditions, increasing of the image and public relations sector as well as increasing of the inter parliamentary cooperation , cooperation with the republic institutions and international organizations.
The aims of the Strategic Plan for the development of the National Assembly Service are increasing and strengthening the capacities of the Service, the incorporation of the modern IT, intensifying the cooperation of the National Assembly with citizens and the promotion of the Parliament’s work.