National Assembly enacted the Budget of the Republic of Srpska for 2023 and the Programme of the Republic of Srpska Economic Reforms for the period 2023-2025

02.11.2022 - 17:15

The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska enacted today at the 37th Extraordinary Session, under urgent procedure, the Budget of the Republic of Srpska for the year 2023. in the amount of 873.000.00. that is 19,4 % compared to the second revised Budget for 2022.

The explanation says that the enactment of the budget for 2023 allows on-time financing of the budget users and fulfills obligations proscribed by the law and other legal acts of the Republic of Srpska.

National Assembly has also enacted, by urgent procedure, the Law on Budget execution for the year 2023.

MPs also enacted the Economic Programme Reforms Proposal of the Republic of Srpska for the period 2023-2025- by the urgent procedure.

The document’s explanation says that in accordance with the directives of the European Commission and the spheres where the reforms were needed, the measures refer to: the improvement in managing public finances in the Republic of Srpska, green transition, digital transformation, improvement of the business environment and the decrease of the informal economy, researches, and development, reforms of economic integration, reforms of the energy market and transport market, agriculture, industry and services, education, employment and work, social welfare and inclusion, reform of the health system as well as the improvement of the tourism sector and the increasement of the tourism traffic.

National Assembly also enacted three Decisions, the Decision on long-time borrowing of the Republic of Srpska by the emission of treasury notes for the year 2023 and the Decision on the number of guarantees. which can be given by the Republic of Srpska for the year 2023.